Don't just look. See.

Don't just look. See.

domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Another day...

Another day is coming soon.

It's 00:32 and I'm feeling great, I've cancelled almost all lessons this week so I know I don't have to work. And this makes me feel light and cheerful. Like a pathetic little lazy girl who wants to skip school.

But I have to constantly tell myself that sometimes it's OK to give ourselves a little treat, and my doctor said that if I was feeling down and tired because I'd done so many things this school term, then I could give myself this xmas present. But I always wonder how I would wake up tomorrow if I had to work...

And, so far, another thing that's been bringing me a bit down is that I haven't found anyone with this phobia, no one has contacted me or commented something here just to let me know that I'm not the only person with this 'thing'. I know some people have it, but statistics don't make me feel better.

So, if you're reading this and you have or think you have my phobia, please, just say hi.

A good week to you all.


6 comentários:

  1. As I write this comment I'm not sure I'm actually going to post it cuz everything is in Espanel =P

    Anyway I realized that nobody has left a comment yet so I will, I will mention that I'm not diagnosed Ergophobic though. I was reading a thread in psychforums and I saw the link to your blog so I clicked.

    After reading about it,I've a feeling that I had it all along. How can I be lazy so much if I do have dreams for my life and I do want to achieve something in my life, but I really don't want to work, I don't want to wake up every morning of my life and go to this *PLACE* where I am required to do my JOB. This thing lives inside me since I was 16y/o. Now I reminisce my first fear of work, I was a waiter and I saw the huge hotel I had to work the day after, and I canceled, since then .. I have this. Today, I'm working but on a part-time job, and it's comfortable for me because I start studying.

    This phobia really talks to me ^_^, but it doesn't explain everything as I have other mental history of severe depression before&after my demobilization from army, and I experienced a psychotic disorder episodes. and now I'm not taking any meds ( stopped taking them on my own) and decided to stop seeing my therapists. . and .. that's pretty much all =)

  2. Hi bora,

    Thanks so much for your comment.

    A lot of the things you talk about really seem like ergophobia.And ergophobia, as well as a lot of other phobias, can coexist with other phobias or pathologies.

    The thing about ergophobia that really made me think that that was something different is the will to work but the constant feeling of not being able to. That's where it differs from depression: you want to do things but you just can't.

    Is that the way you feel?

    Good luck and never give up!

  3. Yeah, but you know one of the reasons I fear or don't want to get a real full time job is the fact I need to socialize with new people, is the fact that I need to pass an interview and it kinda freaks me out, I just can't do this. my current job is a night shift only and I barely see people at my work, and I always go to work although I prefer stay home because I prefer not to talk to certain people there.

    I don't think I'm depressed now but the thing of " I just can't" and not being able to . . kinda reducing the will as well, so .. sometimes I really go down into it which brings a really depressed mood and hopelessness, but I hope I'll be able to cope with it.

    I started studying lately, and hopefully I'll be a student in a college next year and things will get better =) . . live&see .

    Peace & Love Diana ;)

  4. Hi Diana,

    There are people out there with this phobia - me! My name is Sarah and im from Australia. I never knew this phobia exsisted until I googled "fear of work". It's not something I like talking about because I don't want people to think im lazy.

    Everyday is a war between my strong ambitions and my anxiety. Im scared about going to see a doctor about it. Im glad to see im not the only odd person in this world with this phobia.

  5. Hi Sarah and thanks for talking to me.

    It's really good to see that we are not "freaks" whose laziness is so big we can't work properly.

    I don't like to talk about it - even after being diagnosed with it most of my friends still think I had a nervous breakdown because of working so hard. And I don't explain to them that what I have will never really go away because I know most of them would be understanding but puzzled...and probably would think that this is just another word shrinks made up.

    From my brief experience what I can tell you is that seing a doctor helps. But if you can, skip the family doctor stuff or general practitioner... go straight to a psychiatrist, who will be able to prescribe you something not very strong but effective. Because we can't deal with the stress and the fear alone.

    I haven't had any panic attacks in the last month, and it's the first time since this whole thing started. Now I'm terrific because there are no lessons, but in January I'm back to teaching so let's see how that goes.

    What about you? How have you been handling it?


  6. Hi bora!

    I'm sorry that I'm only answering now, but I bought a new laptop and I've been away for a while.

    It seems to me that your phobia has more to do with being around people or being with people than work.

    Do you hang out with friends normally? Do you have problems with being in public, for example in a shopping centre or a public street?

    Hope your studies go well!

