Don't just look. See.

Don't just look. See.

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

Strange but interesting inscription...

My uncle was travelling the other day to see our country better, see historical places and interesting things, and he came across a strange but interesting inscription in one of our psychiatric hospitals thats says:

"There's a lot of us here but we're all not here yet."

I can't seem to forget it.



2 comentários:

  1. I enjoy to see you're updating your blog, keep posting Diana.

    Today I'm pretty sure I dont have this phobia, I really just prefer to to interact with authority people(bosses) and clients, I also 'afraid' of work in some places to avoid criticism. Either way, my mind is reversing my psychotic episodes and I believe I suffer from a soft PTSD that related to my army service which ended 7mnths ago..

    Well that was just my share :) keep posting Diana.
